The Best Female Video Game Characters

 List Criteria: Vote up the best female computer game characters ever.

Ever pondered who the best female computer game character ever is? Is it Chun Li or Samus Aran? See who are the fan most loved female gaming heroes beflow. Ladies computer game characters aren't only ladies in trouble or femme fatales, they are becoming the dominant focal point as the fundamental playable character in many diversions like Tomb Raider or a solid female supporting character in different recreations like Mass Effect 2. Really, a couple of them are most likely femme fatales in light of the fact that they kick the butts of such a large number of men.

Who are the best female videogame character? A playable female videogame characters like Faith from Mirror's Edge? A lady in trouble like Princess Peach? On the other hand possibly only an intriguing side character, similar to Red Dead Redemption's Bonnie MacFarlane? Don't hesitate to utilize this young ladies in computer games rundown to begin a rundown of your most loved chick amusement characters or sexiest female characters in computer games. Which one of these "young lady computer game characters" is your most loved of all the computer game female characters?